We’re excited to announce two new dashboard features that make it easier than ever for owners and property managers to analyze the impact of rent reporting on residents and overall portfolio health. We’ve added a download function that allows you to easily access Property, Portfolio, and Resident impact metrics in CSV and PDF formats and monthly email alerts to keep you informed on the latest impact metrics.
Stay Ahead Esusu’s Download Feature

With Esusu’s new download feature, owners and property managers can download their monthly data directly from their dashboard in CSV and PDF formats. By clicking “Download this Page” on any tab, you can easily access impact metrics related to your property, portfolio, and residents. Be sure to download your data before the 16th of every month to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date information. On the 17th of every month, your dashboard will be refreshed with the latest data.
Stay Informed with Monthly Notifications

Esusu will now send email notifications to owners and property managers on the 17th of every month to inform you of when your latest impact metrics have been updated. Now, you will never miss the impact of rent reporting on your renters and portfolio again.
These new features make analyzing and accessing your Esusu data more effortless than ever. For any questions or concerns, please contact rentsupport@esusu.org or schedule an appointment here to speak to an Esusu representative.