This August, during National Black Business Month, two Black-Owned startups are partnering to build a pathway to homeownership for working families through credit building.
Today, 45 Million Americans have poor or no credit score, ultimately impeding their access to capital, homeownership, and wealth-building opportunities.
Rent, which is the single largest monthly expense for most individuals, often encompassing 30% to 50% of a household’s income, historically, doesn’t count towards credit building. This partnership with Esusu will help My Home Pathway members turn rent into a credit building vehicle to break the barriers to homeownership.
Through Esusu’s Rent Reporting platform, My Home Pathway customers can build credit by reporting monthly rent payments to credit bureaus, thereby boosting credit scores one rent payment at a time. Rent Reporting compared to other credit building methods helps users build credit with the rent they are already paying, debt-free and with no late or interest payments.
Founded in 2020, My Home Pathway is a Fintech startup developing a revolutionary platform to give more people an opportunity to buy a home. Recognizing that the current system for applying and getting a home mortgage loan is complex, not transparent enough, and riddled with inequities, their app helps individuals improve their financial health and navigate the mortgage loan process.
“The issue of lower credit scores disproportionately impacts underserved communities and impacts access to capital, one of the cornerstones to wealth building. To remedy this we are excited to partner with Esusu whose core service plays a big part in giving credit to those underserved communities, thus creating a big win for our users. Partnering with a great organization that is also Black-led and can help impact the lives of millions of Black Americans is aligned with our values and mission.” says Castleigh Johnson

The Esusu platform aligns with My Home Pathway’s mission and helps customers access more opportunities within the financial markets, ultimately building a brighter future. My Home Pathway will recommend Esusu’s services as part of its recommendation engine. This partnership with Esusu combined with their existing resources, will give renters everything they need to build a path to homeownership.
“Esusu is committed to eliminating credit invisibility and building a pathway to homeownership for low to moderate-income families,” said Wemimo Abbey and Samir Goel, Co-CEOs. “This partnership with My Home Pathway provides an amazing opportunity to provide credit-building opportunities to communities historically marginalized and underserved by the current financial system,” said Wemimo Abbey and Samir Goel, Co-CEOs of Esusu.

For more information about My Home Pathway visit: